This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Livin' Life & Lovin' It!

This post is in response to a request to hear about my life.
Recently, life has been oh-so-wonderful! for a variety of reasons!!
Just to name a few:
My sister is here visiting me!! SO much fun

(p.s. I have the coolest sister in the whole should be jealous!!)

Hiked the Y with some awesome people!!

Went tumbling with my boys!

Pretty much my life is one big party right now! I am LOVING summer and it is LOVING me back!
(This is me drinking my sonic and watching turtle new obsession...let this picture speak for the show...)


Monday, June 18, 2012

It's Summertime Y'all

function: noun

1.)time for new opportunities, adventures 2.) Time to be free 3.) a time to laugh and play
4.)The time of your life

Summer means happiness, less stress, more laughter, less responsibility, and more adventure. 
I LOVE summer time. 
It makes me giddy
This year, I have decided to devote my summer to trying new things. This summer is a summer of firsts. I have already begun my summer of firsts -- I went out of the country for the first time. 
This trip combined with the fact that I shot a gun for the VERY first time ever, inspired me to create a list of things I have never done, but want to do before I die. 
This is my first one of those too :) 
Granted, this list will take a LOT more than one more two month summer, but it is getting me excited about life! Also, some of these are do able in this summer, and I will be doing them :)

SO here it goes:

my first {official} bucket list

Set foot in/on the 7 Continents
Be Pregnant
Get married in the temple, to the man of my dreams
Ride an Elephant
Eat a 7 course meal
Write a book
Shoot/ Own a gun
Run a Marathon
Work my dream job
Swim in all the Oceans
Ride in a Gondola
Have my Dream Wedding
Be a Mom
Go on a cruise
Visit all the US temples
Kiss a man with a mustache
Get in a Food Fight
Write a Song with a boyfriend or husband
Sing at my own wedding
Learn another language
Go to Wimbledon
Read the Book of Mormon in one sitting
Own my own home
Decorate said home
Be 150 lbs.
Attend an actual football game
Serve a mission
Own a dog for it's entire life
Cook an entire meal from my own garden
Lay in the middle of the street
Drive through/ Step foot in all 50 states
Camp under the stars on a Mountain
Visit all the Disney Lands (Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, California
Ride in a Hot-air Balloon
Pet a cow
Go to the Airport and buy a ticket on the next flight
Have my first kiss
Dance under the stars
Have a nighttime picnic
Write a blog that people actually follow
Ride in a horse drawn carriage
Light and send up a paper lantern
Write a letter to a random address
Take a road trip with my friends
Give out free hugs in public

SO that's it. 
That is my bucket list. I am sure that as the years pass, I will add things but my hope is to never take anything off. I want to only cross my dreams off when I've accomplished them. I know some of them will happen, just because I am stubborn and determined, but others I will need help from other people. I really want to accomplish each and every one, and I am starting this summer. So far I have traveled outside of the country, gone to Disneyland in Tokyo, shot a gun (though I don't own one), and I have started training for a Marathon. Also, the language one -- I want to get started on that one sooner than later.  
So here's to a Summer full of new adventures and experiences that will last a lifetime!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I have decided that sleep is a necessary element in my life. Going without it for too long, and continuing normal activities is a VERY BAD THING.
The last three days have been a kind of experiment of that was not exactly intentional On Monday, I stayed up way too late trying to finish some homework I thought was due the next day. I finished the homework but didn't get much sleep...maybe two hours...which according to my coworker of last semester, doesn't count.  So I made it through my day and thought little of it. I was planning on going to bed pretty early, and then my friend texted me and asked if I wanted to play pool basket ball. So of course, I went. They weren't going to start until like 9 so I had time to work on some homework.
Well I dominated in pool basket ball, even playing with the boys :) but I was super hungry. Well of course the guys were too, so we went to find something to eat. We ended up going to I-hop...well it was about 11:30 at this point but i figured we could eat head back and I would still get some decent sleep in..ha.
We sat there waiting for almost an hour, and then even when we finally got our food, we sat there eating it and talking. heck, we are a social bunch okay?!
So we headed back to the apartment complex but didn't get back until about 1 am. So i sat there and argued with wasn't too much of one though because I realized that going to bed then would almost guarantee that I would miss work. So, I decided that I would just stay up. so i did. a second allnighter...I must be a college student.
So work was fine and then I began my day. I made it through exactly none of my classes without falling asleep...but I went to every single one. even weight training...where I thought I was going to die. BUT I did it. I also made it home and to my floor...didn't quite make it to the bed before crashing. I fell asleep and slept and slept and slept. I didn't wake up until about 10. Then I went to the bathroom, ate a bowl of cereal, texted some people back, attempted to do some homework and was back in bed before 11. Then, I slept through all of my alarms and missed work. I didn't end up getting up until 8 am this morning.
So that was my experiment:
question- can I successfully stay up for 48 consecutive hours
hypothesis- maybe, I bet if I push myself I could do it
experiment- do it
conclusion: NO. I successfully stayed awake but I was not productive, I didn't get anything accomplished, and I was miserable. Except for the part with my friends. I have decided that an all nighter occasionally is not a bad thing, but two in a row is unacceptable.
(every good experiment leads to new questions right?)
question: did I learn my lesson
hypothesis: probably not
experiment: {check back for results}

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


You know the feeling, when You do something incredible and you feel incredible for HOURS and sometimes DAYS after you accomplish whatever said something was?
Yeah, me too.
I LOVE that feeling.
It's what I am feeling today.
I am taking a weight training class. I have never really understood the importance and benefit of weight training until this class. I always heard that lifting can improve your fitness and weight loss goals substantially, but I didn't really buy it. What I did but into were the myths about women and weight training.
The top myth is that weight training will make you bulky and manly.

Now, not very many women want to look like men, so this one turns a lot of people away. The problem is that it is NOT true. We don't have enough natural testosterone in our system to facilitate a huge growth rate in muscle bulk. The women who do bodybuilding are usually on some kind of supplement to help their bulk along
p.s. yes I do find that picture a little disturbing, but fascinating at the same time....

Myth number two:
I didn't necessarily buy into this one, but apparently some women believe that weight training will increase your cup size. Fortunately I have a good mom who taught me early what my girls are made up of...mostly fat. In fact many times when implementing a diet and exercise program, your cup size will decrease....I am not going to post a picture for this one, I am sure you can all do the imagining yourself....

Myth number three:
Lifting will decrease your flexibility. If you are anything like me, you take pride in your flexible legs and arms. I didn't want to lose this, especially because it is incredibly important as a runner to have flexible joints and muscles. Since I have started lifting, I have become more flexible and stretching feels even better.

Myth number four:
This one isn't necessarily one to stop me from lifting, but women often believe that weight training turns fat into muscle. This is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE. Fat and muscle are made up of different compounds and they do not flip flop (apparently it is also believed that if you stop training your muscle turns to fat)...
Fat is created for different purposes than muscle. I am not an expert in anatomy, but I do know that muscle is gained with work, and fat is lost. Muscle is lost through inactivity, and fat can be gained...this has to do with the way each tissue interacts with calories...fat stores them and muscle burns them. 

So anyway, I hadn't meant to go off on a tangent, but I did want to explain that weight training does more good than harm to the human body. My body is incredible and everyday I am amazed at this creation God blessed me with.
 Today for example, I was getting ready for the strength test we are having in class tomorrow. I hadn't seen much improvement in my strength until today. I ended up bench pressing 30 more pounds than i thought possible, and flying through the other tests. My body amazes me at it's strength. It is such a blessing to have a body that is healthy and works for me. I have made a promise to continue to treat my body with the respect that I would give to someone else's. I will encourage it and feed it with good things.

So back to my original thought: SORE
My muscles are feeling strong because of how sore they are. I have pushed myself hard this week and I feel the rewards. I have been able to do exercises that I have always had troubles with. Crunches are becoming easier and I have needed to improvise with either more weight or diverse movements to get the work I need...that has NEVER happened for me. Also, I am that girl in my class that just keeps wanting one more exercise. This has been an accomplishment just because I have NEVER been that girl.

Usually I am the first to give up, but since I've seen what my body can do, i don't allow myself to give myself excuses. Of course, I am not all the way to my goals, but everyday I get a little bit closer and that encourages me more than anything.
I still need to lose some inches around my waist and continue to burn the fat cells that are in around and on top of my sweet they say, get fit in the gym, lose weight in the kitchen.
I fudged a little yesterday. I went to a friend's house and we ended up eating Taco Bell for dinner...that was a mistake. It gave me a stomachache and made me feel sluggish yesterday...but I think today I drank enough water and ate well enough to start flushing the toxic chemical enhanced food out of my system. The benefit of this is that I ate it, and then suffered the consequences, so now I will know that eating it will make me ill. Knowing that and having experienced it first hand will make it that much easier to say "no" next time.
So there you have it:
I am getting stronger
My addiction to endorphins is getting stronger
I have an incredible {very sore} body
Life is wonderful

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My First Sugar Treat

Well, it has been about a month since my last sugary treat. I have been off sugar for this long, hoping that it would aid my weight loss. It did! I am 8 lbs down, and it is still going. See, my plan was to go without sugar for another 2 lbs, but I was really craving something sweet.
So, I decided to make coffee cake in a mug.
It took me less than 5 minutes and it was delicious!!
Here is the link to the recipe I used.
It was INCREDIBLY good and I will most definitely be making this again.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Feeling

I feel incredible. I just finished a 5.5 mile run. It got hard in the middle, and I almost cut it short, by about a mile. BUT I convinced myself that I was going to feel incredible as soon as it was done, so i needed to keep going. It's a good thing I can trust myself :)
this feeling is unlike any other.
I feel on top of the world, like I can do anything.
of course I am dripping with sweat, and I am pretty sure i reek.
that doesn't matter though. I accomplished something i challenged myself to do and I feel great.
I almost binged last night, almost made some popcorn at like 11:00, but I didn't.
I almost didn't go this morning because I felt lazy. But I went.
I *almost* do a lot of things that won't help me reach my goals, but the important part is that I don't.
I found this picture on Pinterest and it inspired me.
I have never thought about self control as a super power, but it is. controlling yourself is one of the hardest challenges we face. Everyday we are faced with opportunities to indulge in all sorts of activities, foods, and ideas that are not good for us but seem "fun". learning to control our minds and bodies takes a certain kind of strength that no one else can give to us. My super power is self control. I am working on making it stronger, because I am nowhere near perfect, but I get a little bit better, a little bit stronger everyday.
have a most incredible day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


This post is in reaction to an experience I had at school yesterday. I was sitting in my class and I realized, about an hour in, that I had no idea what people were talking about. I was rather baffled at this because I had done the reading and I thought I had a pretty good handle on the class material. apparently not. I really didn't understand some of the words coming out of people's mouths and this frustrated me because I am a senior in my college career and i should be getting a pretty good grasp on things. Another frustrating moment was when my teacher had us stand up if we had read certain pieces of literature.
i didn't stand up.
I wanted to cry, because I AM AN ENGLISH MAJOR for crying out loud. I should be one of the few people who has read a lot of literature. But, alas, I was not.  after class, I did what any mature adult college student would do.
i called my mom.
I called her and vented my concerns I started to cry and I felt silly. of course, the first thing out of my mother's mouth, is "Hannah, you are not stupid"
"I know, i just feel that way."
Then my mom continued to share an interesting experience with me. She talked about the idea that our true education, not necessarily scholastic, doesn't begin until we realize how much we don't know. There is so much in this world that we don't know. Some of the brightest minds have been baffled at many things in this world. I thought about what my mom said, and though it didn't make me feel better at the moment, it has since made it's impact.
I don't know anything! actually I know that I have a Heavenly Father and He loves me, but other than that and the facts that are attached to that, I don't know anything.
My mom also told me that from now on, everything I read will be different. I will learn in a different way and everything will impact me differently.
I had to come to the realization that I know nothing, before I was able to see all that I could know.
I have already seen that I am asking myself more questions, and I am digesting information differently.
So the moral of the story is as the picture above describes: Failure is the best way to learn.
I had to hit rock bottom before I could continue to progress.
Frankly I am a little peeved that i had to learn this lesson this far into my academic career, it would have been helpful to understand this idea say, three years ago, but it's better late than never right? (except in the instance of Abraham and Isaac, that angel needed to be punctual...)
I figure this will help me make the most of the rest of my education here at BYU and then help me create a beautiful life full of learning and progress.
I am thankful for a wonderful mother who is always willing to listen to my rants on the phone, and I am also grateful for a God who teaches me and helps me shape myself into the person He knows I can be. Everyday I get a little bit more enlightenment about how wonderful life is, and I LOVE it.
Life is such an adventure and I cannot wait to see what is next in my book of life.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Clean and Green

Lately I have been trying to clean up my life.
 I have been working on my health, my organization skills, and my spirituality. Cleaning up has brought all sorts of fantastic things. I have felt better, treated others with more respect (because I am starting to respect myself) and taught me all sorts of fun things about life.
Cleaning up my health has brought the most awesome things (physically anyway). I have been running almost everyday, and going to the gym to lift weights four days a week. Monday through Thursday i get to sweat and grunt and groan with some of the most fantastic people! It has been a hard journey, but I am starting to see actual results. I put my swim suit on the other day, and though I am not quite pool ready, I am almost there! I have been really good about not eating past 7 p.m. even though it is really hard sometimes. I have experimented with my food and made serious breakthroughs there too! (Taco Bell doesn't even phase me!) I love feeling strong and powerful and I often wonder how I let myself live before this. I know that some days are harder than others, and really I have yet to find a decent substitute for sugar...I don't think it exists...but I manage without sweets. It is harder with other people around, I don't like sounding like a food snob, but I am doing it! I can feel my body becoming stronger, lighter, and healthier. I know it is helping my attitude. I find myself smiling more often, and I also find that I am more willing to try new things and meet new people. Confidence is one of the best feelings. Knowing that I am worth knowing has helped me make new friends and be a better friend to those I already had.
I have recently experimented with a new smoothie recipe that I am absolutely in love with. It is green but it is a happy green, like spring time :) I start with about 2 cups of spinach...I know I was skeptical at first too....and then I add about a cup of milk and 1/4 a cup of cottage cheese. I blend that until it is smooth. Then, I add a frozen banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter. Then I blend again until it is smooth. Then I drink it and enjoy every last green sip. I can't really taste the spinach, it just tastes like a clean banana and peanut butter smoothie. It is incredible. Sometimes I also add a scoop of whey protein, but with or without it it is still delish!
Cleaning up organizationally has been the harder of the challenges. I have become a HUGE fan of Post-its and lists...I have lists for EVERYTHING. The lists have helped, especially when they are on neon colored note cards! I make at least one list everyday, trying to get everything finished. It has helped a little but I do need to be more diligent. My biggest flaw is that I get distracted and then nothing gets done. BUT everyday I try a little harder and everyday it gets better!
The other aspect of my life that I have been working on is my spirituality. I have been trying to take more time everyday to sit and be calm and to ponder, to read my scriptures, or to pray. This has helped me to bring more balance to my life. I have been able to see what's truly important and prioritize that way. It has brought more peace into my life and I appreciate that. It has also helped me to see myself in a more positive way, thus creating a better lens to see the rest of the world through. Now, I am not perfect, but I am working on being better.
The biggest thing I have learned on this journey of mine, is that life is a daily process. Everyday I have to renew my desire to be better and cleaner. Choosing this everyday makes it more manageable. granted I still have to plan for the future, but I also have to take each day one at a time, one decision at a time.
Sometimes I think I get too caught up in dreaming about the future. When this happens I have to take a step back and remember that I can only don something about the decisions that lie right in front of me. I can only take it one step at a time and worrying about the rest is a waste of that doesn't burn any calories :)
So that's been my life recently, living it, loving it and trying to make it better everyday!
I know that hard days will come, but if there is anything I have learned while at college, it is that happiness is a choice    and we have to make it everyday.
I will be strong, and I will not give up!
So bring it on world, bring it on.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

So, a few weeks ago, I heard the challenge to use this fast Sunday as an opportunity to thank Heavenly Father and Christ for everything they have done for me. 
So I did.
This morning I woke up and started my day thanking the Lord that I was alive. The purpose for my fast was to express gratitude. I didn't ask for anything, I wanted to show the Lord how much I appreciate all that He has blessed me with   because I do. 
So, throughout the day, I read my scriptures and took notes in church, and thought about all the ways I had been blessed. 
Of course, because I was doing this, the Lord thought it appropriate to bless me with some insight into his plan for me as well as shed light on His love for me. This just made me even more grateful. 
I love the Lord. He is so good to me, even though I don't always deserve it. He also is waiting to bless me   anxiously waiting, all I have to do is show Him I am in the least bit deserving. He blesses me with so much more than I deserve. 
Fasting today with the intent of thanking Him for everything has been one of the coolest fasting experiences. My eyes were opened to things that I often take for granted. 
I am just so blessed, and I am so appreciative of it. I know that I will never be able to thank him for each thing individually, but my newest goal is to thank Him for new things everyday, to expand my vision. 
I encourage any of you who are religious to thank your maker for the blessings He continuously hands out. They are there, even though sometimes we have to look for them. :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

One Day Closer

Today's workout taught me something very important:
I am not my body, I am what I put in it.
What I mean by that is I define myself by how I treat myself. By using positive reinforcement and only putting good things in my body, I shape the kind of person I want to be. If I am positive with myself, then I can learn to be positive with others. If I only put good things into myself then I can put only good things into others.
This journey of mine keeps getting better and better. I feel better for every healthy choice I make, which only encourages me to make more.
Today in class I had one of my finals. My professor had asked that we bring snacks to share after we were done with the test, so that we could socialize and end the semester on a happy note. I didn't want to buy anything sweet because I knew that I would be tempted to eat it, and I am off sugar. Instead I bought some chips and a fruit cup for myself. When I went to class, I dropped off my chips and sat back to eat my fruit cup at my desk. Sitting there, watching other people eat the sugary and processed food was not as hard as I thought. In fact, I, I KNOW I enjoyed my fruit more than I would have enjoyed the junk.
I even gave away my bags of chips so I wouldn't have to bring them home. I know myself well enough to know that if the junk is in my possession, I will eat it. If I don't buy it, keep it, or take it from others, I will not have to worry about the temptation.
I feel better about my decision and making it today only made my resolve stronger. Then, I went for a run even when I didn't feel like it and now, I feel wonderful!
ready to take on the world...
except now it is time for bed. I still have to work tomorrow.
but first, SHOWER TIME
Until next time,

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Finals, Friends, and Freedom

It has come again.
finals week.
Only this time, it is worse, not only are my days filled with lots of studying and too much stress, people are going to be leaving. My friends are all going and doing things for the summer....away from Provo...
Who do they think they are?! having lives!
It won't be as bad as it sounds...
i hope
But really, I am moving and starting over in a new place with new people, and hopefully a new job.
change is good, and I am going to take full advantage of it.
This move is going to be a chance for me to fine-tune the person I am becoming. A chance to give myself a chance. New beginnings.
I know that this change will be good, but it will also be hard. I love my friends and my life the way it is.
I have fun and I laugh, I play and I grow.
I know that I will look back at this and think about how great it all was...the moving and newness of it all.
But right now it is hard and it hurts.
I went to dinner tonight with a really great friend of mine. He is the one who took me to prom last year...actually a year ago today! We went for burgers and talked about life, what was coming and what had already been.
it was fantastic
He is so incredible and is always able to bring a smile to my face. We had fun talking about the crazies we had interacted with at our last college, and also about how much fun we had had since then. He is leaving on his mission this summer. I will have spring term with him and part of summer.
I will miss him when he goes.
The people of SanFran better appreciate him, because he is
top notch
One of my best friends.
Now, I am getting too sentimental and mushy for my taste.
Other than having this giant change looming ahead, life is fantastic. Classes just finished and now its the down time before the crazy starts. I have been studying like crazy!
I can't wait until the freedom of the long weekend hits me, it will be a fantastic feeling.
I do love the feeling of having absolutely NOTHING to rarely happens for a college student.
I embrace it with a smile and ask no questions. If and when I survive through Wednesday afternoon, my life will be bliss for 5 whole days!
I will love it and I will celebrate it.

That's it for now

Friday, April 13, 2012

Phase One

I decided that in order to achieve my fitness goals, I would need to break it up into phases;I need to make it easier to see results, and hold my self accountable.
So today marks the first day of phase one.
One this day, April 13th 2012, I am committing myself to a work out plan of 6 days a week. I already try for 5, and sometimes fail, so this will be pushing myself. I will not work out on Sunday, but every other day is fair game.
I have already started implementing this, but for every time I work out, I put 1$ into a jar. When I get to my goal, I am going to spend it!
Today is also the first day I will be cutting out refined sugar.
I am tired of the way it makes me feel, and the five minutes of pleasure are not worth the gross feeling I get after.
I am cutting out all juice, pop, candy, sweet treats, EVERYTHING.
If it has refined sugar in it, I won't eat it.
This is going to teach me how to say no even when I really want it.
This will be one of the harder phases, but I will succeed. I will keep this phase up until I have lost 10lbs.
Phase one will go for this long, and I am hoping that cutting the sugar, along with my lower calorie count, and then working out everyday will help me reach my goals.
During this phase I will not worry too much about the other kinds of processed food, that is for another phase.
Baby steps, baby steps.
I will succeed and it will be a GLORIOUS feeling.

"You cannot climb to the top unless you start at the bottom."


Thursday, April 12, 2012

That is IT!

Last week I made a list. 
I made a list of 50+ reasons why I was going to lose weight and get healthy. 
It took a lot of thought and time to sit and think of that many reasons. I wanted to have that many so that on days when cake sounded good  I would have a reason that sounded even better. I knew that the easy "i want to look good in my clothes" wasn't going to cut it on days when the junk food started calling. I know that my goals are going to take a LOT of hard work, but I am going to do them. 
I am tired of feeling sluggish, lazy, fat, and less than my best self.  I know that I am a great person and that my body does not define who I am, but I also know that I am not being my best self. 
I know that I could be better. 
The road ahead is going to be long, hot, sweaty, and sometimes not so fun, but I WILL get to my destination. I am not weak and I am going to start this journey to prove it to myself.
 I am a POWERFUL woman who can do HARD things.
 I have determination and 50 reasons to get me there. 
I love running, and I am starting to love weight training. Exercising isn't the hard part. Food is. BUT, it is summer time and there is no better time to buy fresh produce and good food. 
I am not going to eat any more junk food. Processed food is a no. 
I will succeed. 
The next 14 weeks are going to be filled with pain and sweat, but I will make it through. I have made it through hard things before, and this time my biggest enemy is myself. Telling myself 'no' is harder than telling other people 'no'. 
I will: 
drink more water
eat less crap
eat whole foods
run harder
lift more
take the stairs
sweat more
weigh less
That is it! I am going to do it and no one, not even myself, will be able to stop me.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Night: Endless Possibilities

The week drags on, the days passing like a monotonous parade and then BAM! Its FRIDAY!!! (yes I know Rebecca Black probably just flashed through your apologies...)
I haven't quite decided what it is about Friday that sparks that level of enthusiasm. But the 24 hours that make up Friday, always seem to bring a smile to my face. 
First of all, Friday, though we still have work and class, holds the promise of a brighter tomorrow...Saturday. Of course, once it gets here its rather anti-climatic, but Friday never fails to hold that promise right in front of my face. 
Then there is the idea that I don't have work in the morning....the night could go on for as long as I want, and I can sleep it off the next day...maybe this is why Saturday isn't quite as exciting...I'm usually asleep.
never the less Fridays are THE BEST.
have a good one!

This One's For The Girls

I bet this song popped into your head huh? Although the song is catchy, her clothes in the video are fun (my favorite is the pair of purple pants), and the message is important, that is not the point of this post.
The point of this post is to inform you of a little project I am about to begin. A project I want YOU to be a part of.
I was speaking to a certain young man this morning at work...*cough* Dave *cough*...and he made a pretty bold claim. He said that if there were more educated girls, when it comes to dating, there would be fewer jerks.  He claimed that it was all the girl's fault when it comes to jerkish guys. I quickly and quite forcefully disagreed. Nevertheless, he stuck to his claim. As the idea sat in my mind, and I went home after work to take a shower (where I get all my best ideas) that seed he planted bloomed, into a wonderfully fantastic idea.
Dave claims that girls are the ones that ruin things, but what about all the boys who never do anything with girls? Whether it be because they are scared, emotionally scarred,  under-knowledge-able, or just plain stupid, they too ruin things for a lot of girls. So, Dave decided that he wants to start educating girls about dating, from his perspective. MY idea, which of course is far superior, is to have a panel of women-from all ages- answer questions about dating, relationships, and what they expect from men; thus giving me the fodder to write blog posts about the results and educate the MEN about what women want.
Now, I don't like making sweeping comments or categorizing individuals into groups, but I feel as though there are some pretty basic ideas that would make the dating game a whole lot more simpler.
To get to the point of this post, it's to ask your help. I need girls who would be willing to be a part of the panel. This would involve answering questions through email, a few times a month. The answers will be completely anonymous and only for the educational benefit of the men in our lives :)
I want this to be a fun upbeat project, without man bashing. Although everyone can get frustrated with relationships, this is only supposed to be a fun and hopefully witty way to get information about what each gender expects from relationships and dating.
***Disclaimer for the men: This is in NO WAY comprehensive of every girl you will ever meet. We are not our gender, and we are individuals who are defined by personal likes and dislikes. SO if you have a question, ask  and we will do the best we can to answer it. But really, the best way to go about things is to ask the girl you are wondering about. She will know better than anyone what she wants.
If the thought of asking her a direct question makes you feel like hurling and your palms get so wet, they drip, use these blogs as a conversation starter to hear her opinions about things. Be Classy and tactful, but straight-forward.

Oh, and ladies, if you are interested in being a part of the panel go ahead and shoot me an email (which you can find on Facebook, or by leaving a comment here!) let me know what you are thinking and let's get this started.

Until next time,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back with a Bang

This new term has started out marvelously. I had my classes this past week and also started work again. Classes are great, I have wonderful teachers and excellent subject matter. I couldn't be more blessed with my schedule. Friends are great, as usual, and I am blessed there too.
My English classes are going to be a lot of work, but they will be rewarding and enjoyable. I have been working on my resolutions, and I already feel like a better person.
I am currently trying to get caught up on some cleaning as well as sending thank-you's to all my friends and family for their wonderful Christmas gifts.
Love my life.
This past weekend was wonderful. I was able to spend time with my roommates...though we are very sad to say that Becca had to leave us. She is back in Las Vegas.
Other than that tragedy though the weekend turned out great. I was able to get some homework done, spend time with friends, have a date on Saturday and then spend my Sunday resting and being thankful for everything I have been blessed with. We had a CES fireside tonight with Elder J. E. Jensen, about the Holy Ghost. It was SO good!
Until Next time,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I noticed something about the word "Resolutions" is a combination of the word, or rather a prefix re-, meaning to do again, and "solutions" meaning to solve. This time of year gives us a chance to look at our lives and try to re-solve problems we have been working on. It truly is a wonderful thing. As I have began this year, as well as a new term at school, I have decided that I am going to work on some new solutions to different problems I face.
I am going to record them here and do monthly updates on on each one, to hold myself accountable.

1. Complete my new year's resolutions..all of them.
2. Get A's in my classes this term.
3. Save religiously for London.
4. Read a non-academic book every night before bed.
5. Write in my journal daily
6. Be more consistent in my scripture study
7. Practice guitar weekly
8. Set aside one day a moth to write for non-school purposes.
9. Make a new meals from my cookbooks for someone else at least once a month.
10. Go to the gym at least 5 days a week, when available, run by myself other times.
11. Be on time to work everyday.
12. Be in bed by 8:30 on school nights.
13. Make a new friend on a regular basis.
14. Treat myself.
15. Smile everyday and be classy.

So there you have it. Those are my New Year's resolutions. These are things I want to do this year and I will do them. I want to be a better person and what better way than to set goals to achieve.
'Till next time.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ready, Set, BREAK!

My winter break is coming to a close. it was fabulous. it was real. it was really fabulous!
I don't have words for how great it was to spend time with my family, be done with school for a while, sleep in, party with my friends, and have practically no responsibility. 
My mother made me food...good food, my siblings spent time with me, and my friends were so fun to be with!
Provo is great, don't get me wrong, but every once in a while there comes a time where a break from everything in your routine is necessary. 
After my visit with my family in the Seattle area, I traveled home to Battle Ground to spend an entire week with my loved ones. 
My first order of business was to have Christmas. Last Sunday my family got up went to church (which was WONDERFUL) and then came home to do the regular Christmas stuff...presents and such. 
I had a great Christmas! 
Next, after Christmas was time to spend some time with friends. I was able to continue a great tradition with two of my great friends here in Battle Ground. When we get together we go to Taco Bell and talk for what sometimes ends up being hours. Then we went to the three dollar theater and watched Footloose (which is way good BTW) and then ended the night with ice cream :)
The next day was a day that I had set aside to spend with my 15 year old sister. We went shopping :) She loves it and I needed to go, so it was a win-win. I got some new clothes for school, and she found a cute outfit for the dance she was going to go  to. 
Wednesday was a low day, I just hung out at home and read some of my book, and then went to a sleepover with some of my best friends! we sat and talked for hours, catching up on life and dreaming of the future, as we usually do.
Thursday was not too crazy, I came home from the sleepover and slept  until about 4 in the afternoon. I was then woken up and I got to go on a daddy-daughter date :) He took me to Sherlock Holmes...another FABULOUS movie by the way! 
By Friday, I was almost to my birthday, but had no big plans until the evening. I stayed at home, did my hair, and played games with my brother. Then one of my friends came and picked me up and we went to join the rest of our friends at Applebee's for my birthday dinner, which was so good and so fun! 
after dinner a few of us decided we wanted to go to the movies...again. So we decided on Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I had already seen it, but no one else had and it was good enough that I would pay 3 dollars to see it. Me and another one of my friends ran to the grocery store first to buy some snacks, and then met the rest of the group at the theater. We enjoyed the movie, and then headed home.
The next day was my birthday. The Facebook notifications started early early  and my family came in singing to wake me and get me up for breakfast. Biscuits and smoothies (yum)
after breakfast, I hung out at home for a while, got ready for the day and then went to the store with the parental units. We bought some snacks for later that night and I finally got some Christmas gifts for them..I know I suck haha
Later that evening my GREAT roommate, Julie, came over and we watched North & South, ate food, exchanged gifts, and talked about boys :) We've missed each other, but will soon be re-united!
After Julie left, I rang in the new year with my sister watching old Star Trek episodes and drinking was great. 
the next day was Sunday. My mom had asked if I could sing in church, and was given permission. I sang in church and then enjoyed the rest of the meetings. 
Today is my last day in the Vancouver area and I have spent the day packing. Which is a battle in and of its self. My bag had to be under 50 pounds or it was another 30 dollars to check it. what a pain. But with the help of my parents and heavy carry-on bags, I was able to get my bag under the weight limit. 
Happy travels, I am off to the airport.