This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Mustache You A Question....

This year for Christmas break I have split my time between two households, and not the Capulet's and Montegue's...The Smith's and the Rambert's.

For the first part of my break I am spending time in the northern part of Washington. Tonight is when the Smith and Holden side of the family celebrate their Christmas festivities. This year, I have gotten a few pre-Christmas gifts, My step-mom made me a head/ear warmer and some headbands, as well as my favorite gift, a pack of black card-stock mustaches. I have 12 of them, and they are rad.
Let the adventures begin.
Of course my siblings got jealous that I had such awesome facial hair, so they wanted to join in the fun.

Best. Christmas. Ever.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


It the first night that I will be staying in this apartment all on my lonesome. I will then be alone for the next three days (Something that has never or at home). Having Kimmy here has been really fun, and I am sad to see her go. We've hit rock bottom together, and now she gets to go home to her family and I get to pull myself out of the spiral, all by well. I figure this time will give me some good self reflection time. I will be able to have time just for me, to better myself and to dream.
I will be working this week, until I leave, and there are a few lone souls staying behind as well, so it's not like I will be completely separated from society, but Provo kind of turns into a ghost town at this time.
I get to look forward to a really fun Christmas break and to be honest, that is probably the only thing that is going to get me through.
So let the countdown begin!
This week I decided I was going to get some good self projects done. I am going to work on a story, which the solitude may help with, and I am going to apply for scholarships for my study abroad...and I will probably play guitar. The more I think about the next few days, the more I am looking forward to them. I will have a chance few people be on my own for three whole days...yeah, it's all about my attitude. As long as I can keep myself from the couch and my bed for too long, I will be able to be productive!
yay life!
Anyway, I will try and post about the next three days, giving myself some kind of responsibility. I figure if I am responsible to come back and report, I will find something to entire post about sitting on my butt all day won't be very fun to read...or write.
So here it goes!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The End of One is the Beginning of Another

It is the end of the semester. I will be flying home in Five days. These next few days will be devoted to the following:
Eating leftovers religiously
Reading for pleasure (I know, what a concept)
trying not to cry because of Julie not being in my life...
Maybe some guitar

As I sit here and I contemplate all the things I will get to do this weekend, and the upcoming beautiful break, I can't help but think about the past semester. It has been quite the ride. I have laughed, and cried, Laughed till I cried, slept, stressed, prayed, learned, and loved. 
I know impressive right?
I figured I would write a little list of all the things I have learned this term as well as a list of goals that correlate with those things. 

1. Grades are not the end-all. Granted, they are important, they don't determine what kind of person you are. I had too many cry sessions with my mom about grades this term. My goal: Next term will be about learning, not about getting the best grades. 
2. Roommate can be the greatest family around. My roommates are seriously some of the best girls I have ever met. I feel a bit bad because I don't think I got to know them as well as I could have. Goal: Next term I will focus on serving my roommates and loving them as my own family and have roommate dates. 
3. Dating is not an essential piece of life to guaranteed happiness. I didn't go on one date this term. not a single one, and you know what? I still know how to smile. yes, there were days that I was sad about it, and i did call my mom to cry about it, but really when it comes down to it, being single is a privilege!! roommate wrote a paper about it so don't argue, it's fact. but in all seriousness, I have learned that dating isn't the key to happiness. Goal: focus on bettering myself next term, boys can wait, I can't. 
4. Laughing until you cry about something that isn't that funny is some of the best medicine. Julie and I had some really good times this term, laughing about silly things and events we made up in our heads. We always felt so much better about each other, ourselves, and life in general after a good laugh fest. Goal: Laugh about silly things, life is too short to be serious all the time. 
5. Hard classes are hard. This seems dumb, but when someone tells you a class is going to be hard, it probably will be. Especially when that someone is your mother and she knows you really well. This term I took Latin. It was the hardest thing I have ever taken! I did my best and I don't know if I passed, but I learned in that class, I learned that I can survive hard and painful things. Goal: work hard and take advice from my mother. 
6. My mother is always right. With out fail, she always knows exactly how things are going to turn out, and how to fix them when I screw up. She is great and I'm lucky to have her. Goal: call her more often and heed her advice. 
7. I can do hard things. Latin was one of many hard things that I accomplished this term. I had a hard time with some people in my life, but I overcame it and our relationship couldn't be better. Having to struggle with people I consider friends is hard, especially when you rely on them so much, but I was able to do it. Goal: tell myself everyday that I CAN do hard things, I've done it. 
8. Life gets hard sometimes, but it ALWAYS gets better. this is self explanatory. Goal: relax and breathe, everything is going to be fine.
9. A clean apartment makes for happy friends. I have never been considered a clean person. My room at home was never clean, and I rarely made my bed. This term though I discovered something...I really do like getting into a made bed, I like it when I don't trip in the morning, and yeah, having a place for everything is convenient when looking for that really important paper. Goal: make my bed everyday and clean my room and bathroom once a week. 
10. managing money is harder than it looks. I have a hard time with money. I have been working this term and so I have had a constant income, which means extra spending money, and money that should go into savings. Goal: save more than I spend. 
11. No amount of ice cream, chips, soda, pizza, or dare i say it,...Taco Bell will make you feel better than a good hard work out on a rough day. Going to the gym or running for a few hours always makes me feel better, so why do I dread it and put it off so much? Goal: work out everyday and cut the junk.
12. It's okay to take time for yourself. I took myself out on two or three me dates this term. I went to a concert, walked to the temple, bought myself frozen yogurt and start gazed. Before I would do this for myself I would feel guilty about avoiding other things, but I always felt better about everything after doing this. I even got dressed up for  myself. Goal: do a self date every month, at least once. 
13. Friends are a gift, cherish them. I have some really really great friends here at school. People I would trust my first born child with...okay maybe not all of them, but I respect and honor the people I have met here. They are outstanding individuals who teach me and give me so much. Goal: cherish them more, tell them how much they mean to me, and spend time with them. 
14. Balance. This term has been a hard experiment. It was my first real term (summer was fun, but a joke comparatively) and I was working 20 hours a week, as well as taking hard classes. I learned that a balanced life complete with sleep, friends, work, school, and church is hard, but rewarding. Goal:continue the things I've learned to do, and still give myself time for me. 
15. IF this term has taught me anything, it's that God loves me and knows who I am.  I feel like I knew this before, but I had the greatest reaffirmation of this. When I was having a hard day and just needed to cry, I felt his love for me. He had me go through some of the hardest things I've ever had to face, but he didn't do it without giving me hope and peace of mind. I even figured some major things out about myself and my role as a daughter of God and instrument in His hands. My love for my Savior and Heavenly father has increased substantially. I love them both with all my heart and I trust them. I cannot do anything without them, but they are always there to listen and help me up. Goal: Go to the temple regularly and read my scriptures daily to continue this relationship. 

The End of this term is a great opportunity to look at my life and re-adjust before the frenzy of next term hits. Gotta love new beginnings :)