This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Have the Most Productive Day

With the hours I have at work, I get Monday's off. I chose this for myself for two reasons. 1. I hate the feeling I get on Sunday night, that the inevitable Monday is closing in, and 2. I was hoping to be more productive on Monday, vs. Friday. (I still have a partial day on Fridays, so you know it's a win-win)

I have LOVED being able to avoid the impending Monday feeling, but the productivity aspect was thrown to the wind when I realized I could do everything I wanted to. I usually choose doing a whole lotta notta. 

Today was a wonderful exception to that. 

I woke up this morning about 9 am (still enough wonderful time to sleep in), looked around at my clean room (Which I cleaned on Saturday ...go me!) and tried to figure out what I was going to do with myself all day. My apartment has recently suffered a loss of internet, so netflix, and random internet surfing was out of the question. At first I thought this was a bummer, but then I realized I finally had the motivation to get out and moving.  

Rather than lingering in bed and wasting the day, I took a shower, and got dressed in real clothes, and did my hair. Then, I made myself breakfast, and grabbed my backpack. Armed with a lunch, and supplies to keep me busy all day, I left for the library. 

All day I've been writing researching for various books I'm writing. It's amazing to me how much writing I can accomplish when I force myself to sit down, and just do it. I wrote FOUR CHAPTERS of a book I've been procrastinating, and outlined another book. Sure, the writing is probably terrible, and I will need to revise like crazy, but I got it out, and I am so impressed with myself right now. I can't remember the last time I had a day like this, and it isn't over. I still have three hours at the library, and then gym time. Yay for productivity! 

Until Next time, 


*Disclaimer: This post was written in a flash of procrastination, but you know I still owned today, so I'll get over it. 

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