This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

At Least There is Sunshine in My Soul

This last week/weekend was full of so much!
I've decided that General Conference is the cure for just about anything. After conference, something someone did made me really angry, but I thought about all of the wonderful talks we heard and went to my room for a few minutes to ponder. I ended up getting on my knees and asking that the anger would be lifted, I didn't want t be angry. after I finished my Prayer I was crying and the anger was gone. Immediatly I got back down on my knees and offered a prayer of thanks for the immediate relief. I was then able to enjoy the rest of the evening with my family.
This last weekend was also when the sun decided to play hide and go seek...over and over and over. IT would peek out for a few minutes and we would have time to bask, but then it would go back into hiding and cause us to run for cover as the rainn came down.
Two of my best friends in the whole world came to visit me this last week.
we have all been friends for so long its insane :):)
Megan came back from Japan after the tsunami and earthquake and radiation stuff...Tasha came down from the Seattle Area to visit too! we had fun re-creating past sleepovers, eating too much, shopping (sort of), and doing April fools tricks (which all got foiled)

 I guess my sisiter found this april fools joke and took care of it.... I was a bit upset, for i had wanted mom and dad to come and find it and freak out! (ps we took plastic and poured the nail polish out and then let it dry...we didn't actually spill it on the table)
Megan and I hid in the pantry after writing the messages on the whiteboard for Tasha to find!
Says some pretty funny might be able to read them...

We made a night time run to Fred Meyers for April fool's gear and for icecream sundae stuff.... mmmmmm
The game Quirkle....its like scabble but with symbols...its pretty fun :)
Over all this weekend was soo much fun. It was a great wrap up to Spring Break. I am now almost through my first day of my LAST QUARTER of Clark!! I can't even describe how excited I am to be finished with this phase of school.... BYU is a mere 74 days away!!!!!

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