Sometimes it takes moving across the country (cough cough) to kick those out of the way, but that shouldn't be my answer for everything (despite it sounding incredibly appealing sometimes.)
Most of the time, I have to find a way to break out of the rut right where I am, and with the resources I have in front of me.
I've recently broken free from a space like this, and I'd like to share a few things I did to help kick that negativity to the curb.
1. Unplug
Ironically this was prompted by plugging into a new podcast, but regardless I stand by it.
I started listening to a podcast on minimalism (The Minimalists) and in the first few episodes, they touch on how we are bombarded with technology, and have so much of it all the time. They mentioned cleaning out your phone (getting rid of apps you haven't used in the last month) and actively choosing to unplug. I tried this for a few days in a desperate attempt to break my candy crush habit. I tried to limit how much I was on my phone by setting limits at work, as well as at home. I pushed myself to set mini goals like "don't check your phone until lunchtime," or " no phone time for an hour before bed."
I noticed the effects almost immediately. I was sleeping better, could engage more fully in conversations, and was finding other ways to use all of that time. I became more productive, and felt the tingle of creativity starting to ignite again.
2. Stimulate
Related to the previous point, I find it's incredibly helpful to stimulate the parts of your brain that haven't been used in a while. Before last week, I couldn't tell you the last book I picked up to read. That's a little ridiculous. I'M A READER. It's what I do! Unfortunately, I'd let the every day tasks in life (as well as some Netflix and candy crush) replace something so precious to me. My books.
For some, stimulating your brain may be crafting, or painting, or doing puzzles. For me, it's reading. I've renewed my love for the library and plan to go every few weeks for some new books. The idea that there are new ideas out there just waiting to be discovered is incredibly exciting, and I am ready for it.
I've also picked up my writing again. Honestly, the first few days were filling out journal prompts from this book: 300 Writing Prompts
3. Sweat
It doesn't have to be much, even just a walk around the block (or around Sprint Festival Plaza....heyyyo) can pluck you right out of that rut your digging. The other day I went running for the first time in who know how long. I took the dogs for a walk, and about 5 minutes in, decided I needed to push myself a little further. My body was craving that activity I'd denied it for so long. I ran for almost an hour, and it was refreshing. It was like I was pushing the sludge out of my muscles. That run turned into one gym session, and then another, and now I have set goals, and look forward to pushing my body to new limits. Getting outside, or to the gym, or even to your living room floor to get your heart pumping, and I promise you'll start to see the edge of that rut.
4. Cleanse
Your house, your face, your hard drive. Clean it all out. Taking the time to curate your belongings, and cut down to more of the essentials, as well as focusing on clearing out the dust and grime from all those nooks and crannies helps give way for fresh ideas, and new thinking. Having clean and tidy surroundings, helps motivate me to be my best self. If I have a clean house, I feel more put together and adult. I recently started doing facials again, and my skin feels amazing. These small things lead to making me feel like I can do anything.
5. Laugh
I'm really lucky in that I have a VERY funny husband. He can get me laughing in a matter of minutes. Sometimes, however, when I'm feeling stuck, or depressed, I don't let myself laugh. I scowl and get upset at something trivial and it ruins the moment. Letting go, and letting myself laugh at all of Kyle's rather silly antics helps loosen things up, and change my perspective. Whether it's a funny friend, or a funny movie, go find time to let yourself laugh.