This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Yo-yo Effect

I hit that number. I said I would never hit it again. It crept up on my slowly and stuck, wouldn't shake off. I hit it and kept right on gaining. 
Yeah, that's right, I'm talking about weight. The big ELL-Bees. 
I told myself that I was okay because I'm a beautiful, confident, grown-ass woman, and I don't need a scale to validate my feelings. I have a wonderful boyfriend who tells me I'm beautiful no matter what. I have a blessed life and shouldn't worry about something as superficial as back fat. This is all true. 
What's also true, is that I should be respecting my body enought to keep promises I have made it. I should be honoring my body. I should be feeding it with whole foods, and not shoving it full of half a bag of buffalo wings and a slurpee, (at midnight) because I forgot to eat dinner. 
I have been blessed with an incredibly healthy, and unique body. I should be shaping it into the best form of itself. 
A few months ago, I signed up for a gym membership. To be honest, it was more of a show of effort, than an actual effort. I signed up, and went a few times, not really investing. Then, I got sick with he stomach flu and used that as an excuse. Until today, it had been a solid six weeks. (This is especially sad since i can see the gym from my house) So much for the monetary motivation. 
Today, however, while I was crushing a set of squats, I realized how much I wanted my "good body" back. 
I pushed myself to new (old) limits, and it felt incredible. 
After the gym, Kyle and I stopped at winco and grabbed a TON of produce, and then came home to make yummy shakes, and turkey burgers. 
It's now evening time, and rather than sitting here ready to crawl into my dark hole of Netflix spiraling, I'm ready to organize my life and set goals. (While stretching out my incredibly stiff muscles)
One day. 
It took ONE DAY to see the benefits. 
So that's where I'm at. One day at a time, I'm ready to see where the positivity and serious dedication can take me.  
For those of you following me on Pinterest, get ready for a WHOLE LOTTA motivation and healthy food. 
Neverthess, I'm excited for this journey. Kyle and I outlined goals we have for ourselves, and rules we are going to hold eachother accountable to. I'm ready to see the results. 
I'm pretty dang lucky to have this hunky man to help me through this, and love me enough to say no when all I want is DQ (Heath blizzards will be the death of me.)
So here's to new beginnings and interrupting the yoyo effect. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The 5 People We All Hate on Facebook

1. The Mushy Couple
There are few things that anger and confuse me like mushy couples on Facebook. These are the couples who interrupt your lunch-break stalking session with epic declarations of love, and an overload of emoji hearts. The couple who has their profile picture AND their cover photo set to a perfectly posed "candid" snapshot of themselves cuddled up to their lover. These couples anger me because somehow, they make me feel like a third wheel, when I'm not even with them. Their constant banter through comments on pictures of each other make my "you look good" or "where is that?" comments look awkward. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that my compliment was going to be lost in a sea of "I love you more" and "you are SO gorgeous."
I'm confused by these couples because as a social media platform, Facebook is designed to allow people to forge lifelong relationships with people they've met once or twice. When couples like this are born into social media they welcome the world into their love life. I get it, you are proud to be coupled with this person. But isn't allowing the entire internet world to read your brags, the same as inviting the party next to your table at The Olive Garden to sit and listen to you fawn over the love of your life?
Yes, the answer is yes.

2. The "I'm obsessed with this one thing so I am going to post multiple pictures/videos/memes a day of it, to convince you just how much I love it"
Your cat? A jeep? dance? Whatever your hobby happens to be, I salute you for it. It's great to have a hobby. It's great to have a guilty pleasure, something you like to talk about. My problem here, is when pictures of your new car, or the car you wish you had, start out numbering the pictures of babies and wedding announcements on my news feed. I have FB so A.) I can keep in touch with people I love and admire, and B.) I can stalk people I secretly hate/don't know but I am jealous of (chances are if we are friends you fall into one of those two categories...) When you start posting pictures or videos of the same things every day, I can't help but start to re-evaluate this internet friendship. (To be honest, I keep some people who do this because the other drama in their life outweighs the annoying obsessions they have...)

3. The Over Sharer
Whether this person is the one who writes status updates that are long enough to be published and listed on the NY Times best sellers, or the one who likes and shares every meme to come into existence, doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that this person doesn't just worm their way into your news feed, but that the ARE your news feed. These are the people who are unfollowed on a regular basis, because none of us want to see the fifth 'script words against a sparkly background' quote you've posted today. Your over-active news feed has me concerned about your every-day life. I sit in wonder as I contemplate how you accomplish your daily tasks, while sharing everything there is to share on the internet. Actually, I don't...I unfollow and carry on with my scrolling.

4. The Under Sharer/Sub-Status-er
We get it "life is just so hard," and you "just wish people understood." But PLEASE for the life of everything that is holy, if you aren't going to share it all, don't share AT ALL. Your passive aggressive please for help are aggravating me, because I am curious enough to care, but I don't care enough to ask. Chances are, I don't know you very well, but I'm still someone who likes drama, and I would like it to unfold. Don't tease me. It's not nice.

5. The Gamer
Candy Crush, Farmville, and Pet Rescue, are all games which have come into existence and stayed popular because of Facebook. The creators of these games are clever in their marketing strategy. They ask you to ask your friends, hoping your friends will see your request, want to help you out, and then get hooked on the game themselves. BUT this isn't what happens. What does happen, is that I get requests for these games, showing up as notifications. I'm hopeful, in that I see the notification and a little flutter flips in my stomach. Somebody loves me. But then, I see that it's not a like or a comment about me, but a request to play Farmville, giving me the desire to stomp through your virtual tomato patch, and destroy your crops like you've crushed my hope for friendship.

** I should admit that I am an active Candy Crusher, but I only send requests to fellow's all about the way you game people.**