function: noun
1.)time for new opportunities, adventures 2.) Time to be free 3.) a time to laugh and play
4.)The time of your life
Summer means happiness, less stress, more laughter, less responsibility, and more adventure.
I LOVE summer time.
It makes me giddy
This year, I have decided to devote my summer to trying new things. This summer is a summer of firsts. I have already begun my summer of firsts -- I went out of the country for the first time.
This trip combined with the fact that I shot a gun for the VERY first time ever, inspired me to create a list of things I have never done, but want to do before I die.
This is my first one of those too :)
Granted, this list will take a LOT more than one more two month summer, but it is getting me excited about life! Also, some of these are do able in this summer, and I will be doing them :)
SO here it goes:
my first {official} bucket list
Set foot in/on the 7 Continents
Be Pregnant
Get married in the temple, to the man of my dreams
Ride an Elephant
Eat a 7 course meal
Eat a 7 course meal
Write a book
Run a Marathon
Work my dream job
Swim in all the Oceans
Ride in a Gondola
Have my Dream Wedding
Be a Mom
Go on a cruise
Visit all the US temples
Get in a Food Fight
Write a Song with a boyfriend or husband
Sing at my own wedding
Learn another language
Go to Wimbledon
Go to Wimbledon
Read the Book of Mormon in one sitting
Own my own home
Decorate said home
Be 150 lbs.
Serve a mission
Own a dog for it's entire life
Cook an entire meal from my own garden
Lay in the middle of the street
Drive through/ Step foot in all 50 states
Camp under the stars on a Mountain
Visit all the Disney Lands (Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, California)
Ride in a Hot-air Balloon
Go to the Airport and buy a ticket on the next flight
Dance under the stars
Have a nighttime picnic
Write a blog that people actually follow
Ride in a horse drawn carriage
Light and send up a paper lantern
Write a letter to a random address
Give out free hugs in public
SO that's it.
That is my bucket list. I am sure that as the years pass, I will add things but my hope is to never take anything off. I want to only cross my dreams off when I've accomplished them. I know some of them will happen, just because I am stubborn and determined, but others I will need help from other people. I really want to accomplish each and every one, and I am starting this summer. So far I have traveled outside of the country, gone to Disneyland in Tokyo, shot a gun (though I don't own one), and I have started training for a Marathon. Also, the language one -- I want to get started on that one sooner than later.
So here's to a Summer full of new adventures and experiences that will last a lifetime!