Recently I finished my first term at BYU. It was AMAZING! I met so many people, learned so much and I have grown as a person.
I had some of the greatest roommates for this first term. They were seriously so great! I can't even imagine how I could have been blessed with better girls. We all had such differing personalities but we meshed so well. We had pretty much every stereotype in our room! the Sporty one, the Drama Queen, The Quiet Shy one, The Motherly one, the Molly-Mormon, and of course The incredibly smart one. We had so much fun together, and we learned a lot from each other. I will be sad that we aren't living together in the Fall but we will get least once. have some belongings that some of them left behind! :)
Outside of our room, I met so many great people from our ward. My FHE group was full of great people, funny and so unique. we enjoyed spending time together and laughing together. There were several times we had the FHE boys over for food...I've come to realize they REALLY like that!
Then there were the people I met outside of my ward and even outside of my apartment complex. People from my classes, from NSO and mutual friends of others who touched my life in a way i can't even begin to describe. Their influence will be with me for a long time. I love friends and new ones make me happy. I feel like I've been blessed to have met all the people I have and hope that I will be able to continue these new friendships throughout the rest of my time at BYU and my life.
Classes this term were not terribly difficult though I had some trouble staying focused with all the fun stuff going on- ALL THE TIME!
I was taking an English class, Doctrine and Covenants, Jogging, and Choir. All of my classes were really enjoyable and I've learned so much. I took my jogging class in hopes of having something that would force me to exercise. It kicked my butt! The first couple of weeks I seriously thought I was going to die. We didn't even run very far but I was really out of shape...well I was in a shape alright but it was not one meant for running. Anyway, I worked hard and now I am running almost everyday, and loving it! I get runner's high and feel SO good afterward.
Choir was a good class to take, it was in the afternoon and it was all about something I love. It was a great way to end my day. I learned that I have a great range as an alto since my soprano range is pretty much dead due to lack of use. IT was a great experience and I may go back and take it again in the fall. Our instructor gave his summer students an open invitation for Fall.
Doctrine and Covenants was the class I was most nervous about. I've hear scary things about the work load of BYU religion classes, but it wasn't so bad. there was quite a bit of reading but I managed to do well with assignments and tests.
Learning in an environment like BYU's campus is such a great change from the environment at Clark. The spirit is everywhere and its easy to make connections to both the gospel and real life application. The learning done at BYU isn't busy work, it is teaching life skills that will benefit me forever!
outside of classes and friends, I learned a lot about who I am and what I have to offer this world. I was forced out of my comfort zones on numerous occasions to help me grow and learn. some of these experiences were fun, like preforming with a good friend of mine in our ward talent/variety show. I learned a piece of music on the piano and then we sang together. I have never played the piano in front of a group of people and my hands were shaking so bad it was hard to keep them on the keys, but I knew that I was going to be fine. I had a good friend next to me on the piano bench and great friends in the audience. I knew that no matter what happened I would still be Hannah. It ended up being a great performance, something I hope to continue doing.
Some of these experiences were not so pleasant, but I still had someone to help me along.
I had a talk with my friend David about life and the challenges that we face. I was frustrated because I felt like my efforts were fruitless. I wasn't getting anywhere. He looked at me in the face and told me that obviously there was some good coming out of my efforts because I was still trying. I didn't have faith in the Faith that I had. I couldn't see it like that and it took someone else looking in to show me.
I have a testimony of the next life. I know that there is something else after this world. I have been attending the temple in Provo and it is a wonderful place. The work that is done there helps others, without the ability, to continue on in their eternal progression. The way the Lord has orchestrated that is amazing.
Overall my experience at BYU has been so great. I can hardly wait to go back and try it again. I already know I have a great roommate, at least one. And I know I have a great support system already there :)