I have about 3 weeks until I leave for BYU.
This thought is bittersweet.
I am super excited to be heading off to school and starting a new phase of my life, but I'm reluctant to leave everything behind.
Now, I know I will come back, its not like i'm dying... but it is a big life time change.
But, as for the exciting stuff:
I will be getting some cool new built in friends aka: ROOMATES!
I'm actually pretty excited for that.
I will be getting a new dating pool....uh huh!
And I will finally be able to decorate my room how ever the heck I want :)
Since my last post, I got my letter from my missionary friend in New Zealand. Can you say "Best day ever?" yeah pretty much. It was fun to hear from him...some interesting things I leanred about New Zealand: Sanwhiches are non existant there...although they do eat almost everything on bread...with Mayo.
He talked about the interesting mixes of language, about 4 different languages mixed. He also commented on how everything there is backwards. lightswitches, the driving, and the outlets...
crazy stuff.
He also said that the people there are incredibly receptive to the gospel. They have had a baptism a week, on average. SO COOL!
Pray for your missionaries and write them, they LOVE getting mail :)
I'm sending my next letter tomorrow :) (:
till next time,
Yours Truly