This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Mustache You A Question....

This year for Christmas break I have split my time between two households, and not the Capulet's and Montegue's...The Smith's and the Rambert's.

For the first part of my break I am spending time in the northern part of Washington. Tonight is when the Smith and Holden side of the family celebrate their Christmas festivities. This year, I have gotten a few pre-Christmas gifts, My step-mom made me a head/ear warmer and some headbands, as well as my favorite gift, a pack of black card-stock mustaches. I have 12 of them, and they are rad.
Let the adventures begin.
Of course my siblings got jealous that I had such awesome facial hair, so they wanted to join in the fun.

Best. Christmas. Ever.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


It the first night that I will be staying in this apartment all on my lonesome. I will then be alone for the next three days (Something that has never or at home). Having Kimmy here has been really fun, and I am sad to see her go. We've hit rock bottom together, and now she gets to go home to her family and I get to pull myself out of the spiral, all by well. I figure this time will give me some good self reflection time. I will be able to have time just for me, to better myself and to dream.
I will be working this week, until I leave, and there are a few lone souls staying behind as well, so it's not like I will be completely separated from society, but Provo kind of turns into a ghost town at this time.
I get to look forward to a really fun Christmas break and to be honest, that is probably the only thing that is going to get me through.
So let the countdown begin!
This week I decided I was going to get some good self projects done. I am going to work on a story, which the solitude may help with, and I am going to apply for scholarships for my study abroad...and I will probably play guitar. The more I think about the next few days, the more I am looking forward to them. I will have a chance few people be on my own for three whole days...yeah, it's all about my attitude. As long as I can keep myself from the couch and my bed for too long, I will be able to be productive!
yay life!
Anyway, I will try and post about the next three days, giving myself some kind of responsibility. I figure if I am responsible to come back and report, I will find something to entire post about sitting on my butt all day won't be very fun to read...or write.
So here it goes!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The End of One is the Beginning of Another

It is the end of the semester. I will be flying home in Five days. These next few days will be devoted to the following:
Eating leftovers religiously
Reading for pleasure (I know, what a concept)
trying not to cry because of Julie not being in my life...
Maybe some guitar

As I sit here and I contemplate all the things I will get to do this weekend, and the upcoming beautiful break, I can't help but think about the past semester. It has been quite the ride. I have laughed, and cried, Laughed till I cried, slept, stressed, prayed, learned, and loved. 
I know impressive right?
I figured I would write a little list of all the things I have learned this term as well as a list of goals that correlate with those things. 

1. Grades are not the end-all. Granted, they are important, they don't determine what kind of person you are. I had too many cry sessions with my mom about grades this term. My goal: Next term will be about learning, not about getting the best grades. 
2. Roommate can be the greatest family around. My roommates are seriously some of the best girls I have ever met. I feel a bit bad because I don't think I got to know them as well as I could have. Goal: Next term I will focus on serving my roommates and loving them as my own family and have roommate dates. 
3. Dating is not an essential piece of life to guaranteed happiness. I didn't go on one date this term. not a single one, and you know what? I still know how to smile. yes, there were days that I was sad about it, and i did call my mom to cry about it, but really when it comes down to it, being single is a privilege!! roommate wrote a paper about it so don't argue, it's fact. but in all seriousness, I have learned that dating isn't the key to happiness. Goal: focus on bettering myself next term, boys can wait, I can't. 
4. Laughing until you cry about something that isn't that funny is some of the best medicine. Julie and I had some really good times this term, laughing about silly things and events we made up in our heads. We always felt so much better about each other, ourselves, and life in general after a good laugh fest. Goal: Laugh about silly things, life is too short to be serious all the time. 
5. Hard classes are hard. This seems dumb, but when someone tells you a class is going to be hard, it probably will be. Especially when that someone is your mother and she knows you really well. This term I took Latin. It was the hardest thing I have ever taken! I did my best and I don't know if I passed, but I learned in that class, I learned that I can survive hard and painful things. Goal: work hard and take advice from my mother. 
6. My mother is always right. With out fail, she always knows exactly how things are going to turn out, and how to fix them when I screw up. She is great and I'm lucky to have her. Goal: call her more often and heed her advice. 
7. I can do hard things. Latin was one of many hard things that I accomplished this term. I had a hard time with some people in my life, but I overcame it and our relationship couldn't be better. Having to struggle with people I consider friends is hard, especially when you rely on them so much, but I was able to do it. Goal: tell myself everyday that I CAN do hard things, I've done it. 
8. Life gets hard sometimes, but it ALWAYS gets better. this is self explanatory. Goal: relax and breathe, everything is going to be fine.
9. A clean apartment makes for happy friends. I have never been considered a clean person. My room at home was never clean, and I rarely made my bed. This term though I discovered something...I really do like getting into a made bed, I like it when I don't trip in the morning, and yeah, having a place for everything is convenient when looking for that really important paper. Goal: make my bed everyday and clean my room and bathroom once a week. 
10. managing money is harder than it looks. I have a hard time with money. I have been working this term and so I have had a constant income, which means extra spending money, and money that should go into savings. Goal: save more than I spend. 
11. No amount of ice cream, chips, soda, pizza, or dare i say it,...Taco Bell will make you feel better than a good hard work out on a rough day. Going to the gym or running for a few hours always makes me feel better, so why do I dread it and put it off so much? Goal: work out everyday and cut the junk.
12. It's okay to take time for yourself. I took myself out on two or three me dates this term. I went to a concert, walked to the temple, bought myself frozen yogurt and start gazed. Before I would do this for myself I would feel guilty about avoiding other things, but I always felt better about everything after doing this. I even got dressed up for  myself. Goal: do a self date every month, at least once. 
13. Friends are a gift, cherish them. I have some really really great friends here at school. People I would trust my first born child with...okay maybe not all of them, but I respect and honor the people I have met here. They are outstanding individuals who teach me and give me so much. Goal: cherish them more, tell them how much they mean to me, and spend time with them. 
14. Balance. This term has been a hard experiment. It was my first real term (summer was fun, but a joke comparatively) and I was working 20 hours a week, as well as taking hard classes. I learned that a balanced life complete with sleep, friends, work, school, and church is hard, but rewarding. Goal:continue the things I've learned to do, and still give myself time for me. 
15. IF this term has taught me anything, it's that God loves me and knows who I am.  I feel like I knew this before, but I had the greatest reaffirmation of this. When I was having a hard day and just needed to cry, I felt his love for me. He had me go through some of the hardest things I've ever had to face, but he didn't do it without giving me hope and peace of mind. I even figured some major things out about myself and my role as a daughter of God and instrument in His hands. My love for my Savior and Heavenly father has increased substantially. I love them both with all my heart and I trust them. I cannot do anything without them, but they are always there to listen and help me up. Goal: Go to the temple regularly and read my scriptures daily to continue this relationship. 

The End of this term is a great opportunity to look at my life and re-adjust before the frenzy of next term hits. Gotta love new beginnings :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

To Public Restroom users Everywhere,

As many of you know, I have been working as an early morning custodian for the past school term. I wake up every morning at 3:30 am and trudge across the parking lot to clean various areas of a building on campus. This week I was assigned to bathrooms. male and female. Today, as I worked through my daily routine, I discovered some things that have inspired this post.

I will first address the Men in this world:

1. Yes, Women do see your side of the bathroom facilities. We get to clean them, please stop scarring us.
2. There is no circumstance under which a LEMON BAR [or any other kind of dessert for that matter] is an acceptable bathroom companion. I think you may have figured this out when someone else walked in, and you realized how very strange it would be to come out of the stall with dessert. Next time, please man up and either eat it before you go in or take the taunting laughter that may ensue after walking out with it. The TP dispenser is no place for such an item.
3. Explosions need to be contained. No, the stall wall does not constitute a suitable container. Even NASA knows this.
4. Romans invented this thing called indoor plumbing...its useful, and most of the world uses it. Pleas join them. The floor is no place to do your business, and my shoes should not stick to the floor.
5. I would like to share with you a simple phrase my mother used to potty train my brothers.
       "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie"
If three year old's can master this concept I'm sure you can too.
6. Why is your mirror always dirtier than the women' there a secret life of the American male insight we should know about? I don't understand.

And now, Women:
You would think the women's bathrooms would be much cleaner, but honestly it depends on the day.

1. Women, men clean your bathrooms too. My co-workers would appreciate it if you would keep that in mind.
2. Chairs? Really, as if one seat wasn't enough, there is almost always another chair in the stalls big enough for them. And I thought my guy friends were kidding when referring to woman needing spotters { an attempt to explain them always going in pairs.}
3. The little white boxes inside the stalls are NOT, and I repeat, NOT for Chocolate milk bottles. This goes up there with the Lemon bar instance. WHY?
4. You know those shiny levers above the toilet? It's not there for decoration, though I do admit I keep it in mint condition. USE IT.
5. Paper towels are for drying your hands...not for confetti. Besides, shredding paper is for home and office settings, not bathrooms.
6. The week elementary school kids were using the bathrooms, they had never been cleaner.....does anyone else see the problem here?

I think sometimes both men and women forget that other people see what they left behind. This confuses me because it is called a PUBLIC restroom for a reason. I can say that this job has given me many laughing experiences, as well as many moments of "plug -your-nose-close-your-eyes-cringe-and-do-it!". I understand that sometimes bathrooms are a places to do what would otherwise be considered socially detrimental, but it is still public and people still have to clean it up. So please, next time you are in a public restroom, be mindful of the poor college kid that will probably have to come in the next day in the wee hours of the morning.

Thank you,
A confused, slightly entertained, but mostly disgusted,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update of The Century

I realized today as I was reading through other people's blogs and wondering what was up with some of the people I follow, that I haven't written in a REALLY long time! So I figured "Hey, I'm just sitting here, I may as well write a little."
Recently I finished my first term at BYU. It was AMAZING! I met so many people, learned so much and I have grown as a person.
I had some of the greatest roommates for this first term. They were seriously so great! I can't even imagine how I could have been blessed with better girls. We all had such differing personalities but we meshed so well. We had pretty much every stereotype in our room! the Sporty one, the Drama Queen, The Quiet Shy one, The Motherly one, the Molly-Mormon, and of course The incredibly smart one. We had so much fun together, and we learned a lot from each other. I will be sad that we aren't living together in the Fall but we will get least once. have some belongings that some of them left behind! :)

Outside of our room, I met so many great people from our ward. My FHE group was full of great people, funny and so unique. we enjoyed spending time together and laughing together. There were several times we had the FHE boys over for food...I've come to realize they REALLY like that!

Then there were the people I met outside of my ward and even outside of my apartment complex. People from my classes, from NSO and mutual friends of others who touched my life in a way i can't even begin to describe. Their influence will be with me for a long time. I love friends and new ones make me happy. I feel like I've been blessed to have met all the people I have and hope that I will be able to continue these new friendships throughout the rest of my time at BYU and my life.
Classes this term were not terribly difficult though I had some trouble staying focused with all the fun stuff going on- ALL THE TIME!
 I was taking an English class, Doctrine and Covenants, Jogging, and Choir. All of my classes were really enjoyable and I've learned so much. I took my jogging class in hopes of having something that would force me to exercise. It kicked my butt! The first couple of weeks I seriously thought I was going to die. We didn't even run very far but I was really out of shape...well I was in a shape alright but it was not one meant for running. Anyway, I worked hard and now I am running almost everyday, and loving it! I get runner's high and feel SO good afterward.
Choir was a good class to take, it was in the afternoon and it was all about something I love. It was a great way to end my day. I learned that I have a great range as an alto since my soprano range is pretty much dead due to lack of use. IT was a great experience and I may go back and take it again in the fall. Our instructor gave his summer students an open invitation for Fall.
Doctrine and Covenants was the class I was most nervous about. I've hear scary things about the work load of BYU religion classes, but it wasn't so bad. there was quite a bit of reading but I managed to do well with assignments and tests.
Learning in an environment like BYU's campus is such a great change from the environment at Clark. The spirit is everywhere and its easy to make connections to both the gospel and real life application. The learning done at BYU isn't busy work, it is teaching life skills that will benefit me forever!
outside of classes and friends, I learned a lot about who I am and what I have to offer this world. I was forced out of my comfort zones on numerous occasions to help me grow and learn. some of these experiences were fun, like preforming with a good friend of mine in our ward talent/variety show. I learned a piece of music on the piano and then we sang together. I have never played the piano in front of a group of people and my hands were shaking so bad it was hard to keep them on the keys, but I knew that I was going to be fine. I had a good friend next to me on the piano bench and great friends in the audience. I knew that no matter what happened I would still be Hannah. It ended up being a great performance, something I hope to continue doing.
Some of these experiences were not so pleasant, but I still had someone to help me along.
I had a talk with my friend David about life and the challenges that we face. I was frustrated because I felt like my efforts were fruitless. I wasn't getting anywhere. He looked at me in the face and told me that obviously there was some good coming out of my efforts because I was still trying. I didn't have faith in the Faith that I had. I couldn't see it like that and it took someone else looking in to show me.

I have a testimony of the next life. I know that there is something else after this world. I have been attending the temple in Provo and it is a wonderful place. The work that is done there helps others, without the ability, to continue on in their eternal progression.  The way the Lord has orchestrated that is amazing.
Overall my experience at BYU has been so great. I can hardly wait to go back and try it again. I already know I have a great roommate, at least one. And I know I have a great support system already there :)


Sunday, June 26, 2011


I feel so completely blessed right now. I feel as though I need to release all the happiness that is bottled up inside of me. Church today was the BEST. I feel like the Lord was standing right above me, blessing me with insight for my life. I had so many thoughts that I need to pray heavily about, things that will alter the course of my life. I feel as though being out here all on my own (with the companionship of only the world's best roommates) has really made me look at my life's goals and wonder if they were what is best for me, or just what everybody assumed I would do. All of the things I want to do in this life are good things, but I think the Lord has even better things in store for me. He has blessed me so much thus far, I can't even imagine what else he could do for me. I'm scared of the unknown, and of the idea that I need things I can't imagine, but I know that if I trust in the Lord everything will be okay :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Good Life

So I figured its about time for an update of my life. So much has happened in the last few weeks. First of all, in case you all forgot, I am in Utah at BYU! I have just finished my first week of classes and I am LOVING it! Before I left I was so nervous abou things like roomates and school work load and finding my way. Although I still have troublbe finding my way around sometimes, especially to my Doctrine and Covenants class (I'm still not sure how I got there last time) I have found that there is so much here to be grateful for. I am so grateful for my beautiful roomates, the great friends I've made thus far, My body, Great music and friends to share it with, my talents, my relationship with Christ and my Heavenly Father, and the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I am seriously living the good life. I don't even know how to relate how much I'm loving life! I know that there will be hard times, but I know that with a little bit of prayer, faith and a dash of the Priesthood, I will be able to make it through ANYTHING!!!
I couldn't believe it the first few days, that I was actually HERE in Utah and living at BYU. It was something I had dreamed about for months and its finally happening. Somethigns are going faster than I expected but I know that a little bit of perspective is all it takes :)
Last night I pretty much went on the BEST date EVER!
My good new friend David agreed to get ice cream and a movie with my roomate, Tori and her friend Bryce. We waited around for David for almost two HOURS haha. He's a pretty fun guy though, we decided just to meet him at the Creamery rather than have him come to the apartment. We were standing in line waiting and talking when Elder L. TOM PERRY walked into the creamery with his wife. he walked into line right behind us and we were all shocked. It was the Craziest thing. of Course I immediatly texted Facebook and then David and told him what was up. When he walked in, he hadn't gotten my text and was shoked to see The Apostle  standing there. :):) he shook his hand and then began talking to us in line. Bryce then explained to Elder Perry that David was late for his date and so Elder Perry told David to get up next to us in line and pay for all our ice cream (Which put me off the hook for I had offered to get him his favorite :]) He got up in line and we all got our ice cream and then went outside to sit and eat. As we were sitting there, The couple came out and they were going to sit down at the table next to us, we asked them if they wanted to sit with us and so we sat and talked and ate ice cream with one of the Lord's twelve apostles! I feel like it wasn't real, but it was. I guess that's Utah for you! Anyway, we sat and talked and he told David that he should be an Accountant not an Engineer, I think he is going to seriously consider changing his major, though he is positive about minoring in Portugese. Although we were upset at first, for the tardiness of David, It illustrated the point that good things come out of every situation. We would have never had the amazing oppurtunity we did if it hadn't been for David being in "Neverland" ashe had so gracefully stated on his way over....
After we finished our Ice cream Elder Perry joked about wanting to see our grades at the end of the term. Tori and I agreed this morning that in August, we would mail a copy of our report cards and a gift card to the Creamery to Elder Perry :) along with a letter of course. I can't WAIT until the October General Conference so that I can hear his talk. Meeting him made him seem more real and he had such a freat spirit about him. I loved it.

Then after ice cream, we went an got a movie and then proceeded to come back to my apartment and watch it. It was a great night filled with lots of laughs and great food :)
Needless to say, I love it here, and I couldn't have picked a better place for myself at this time of my life.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Almost There

I have about 3 weeks until I leave for BYU.
This thought is bittersweet.
I am super excited to be heading off to school and starting a new phase of my life, but I'm reluctant to leave everything behind.
Now, I know I will come back, its not like i'm dying... but it is a big life time change.
But, as for the exciting stuff:
I will be getting some cool new built in friends aka: ROOMATES!
I'm actually pretty excited for that.
I will be getting a new dating pool....uh huh!
And I will finally be able to decorate my room how ever the heck I want :)

Since my last post, I got my letter from my missionary friend in New Zealand. Can you say "Best day ever?" yeah pretty much. It was fun to hear from him...some interesting things I leanred about New Zealand: Sanwhiches are non existant there...although they do eat almost everything on bread...with Mayo.
He talked about the interesting mixes of language, about 4 different languages mixed. He also commented on how everything there is backwards. lightswitches, the driving, and the outlets...
crazy stuff.
He also said that the people there are incredibly receptive to the gospel. They have had a baptism a week, on average. SO COOL!
Pray for your missionaries and write them, they LOVE getting mail :)
I'm sending my next letter tomorrow :) (:

till next time,
Yours Truly

Monday, April 4, 2011

At Least There is Sunshine in My Soul

This last week/weekend was full of so much!
I've decided that General Conference is the cure for just about anything. After conference, something someone did made me really angry, but I thought about all of the wonderful talks we heard and went to my room for a few minutes to ponder. I ended up getting on my knees and asking that the anger would be lifted, I didn't want t be angry. after I finished my Prayer I was crying and the anger was gone. Immediatly I got back down on my knees and offered a prayer of thanks for the immediate relief. I was then able to enjoy the rest of the evening with my family.
This last weekend was also when the sun decided to play hide and go seek...over and over and over. IT would peek out for a few minutes and we would have time to bask, but then it would go back into hiding and cause us to run for cover as the rainn came down.
Two of my best friends in the whole world came to visit me this last week.
we have all been friends for so long its insane :):)
Megan came back from Japan after the tsunami and earthquake and radiation stuff...Tasha came down from the Seattle Area to visit too! we had fun re-creating past sleepovers, eating too much, shopping (sort of), and doing April fools tricks (which all got foiled)

 I guess my sisiter found this april fools joke and took care of it.... I was a bit upset, for i had wanted mom and dad to come and find it and freak out! (ps we took plastic and poured the nail polish out and then let it dry...we didn't actually spill it on the table)
Megan and I hid in the pantry after writing the messages on the whiteboard for Tasha to find!
Says some pretty funny might be able to read them...

We made a night time run to Fred Meyers for April fool's gear and for icecream sundae stuff.... mmmmmm
The game Quirkle....its like scabble but with symbols...its pretty fun :)
Over all this weekend was soo much fun. It was a great wrap up to Spring Break. I am now almost through my first day of my LAST QUARTER of Clark!! I can't even describe how excited I am to be finished with this phase of school.... BYU is a mere 74 days away!!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Senior Pictures

I've had fun the last few days with my sister, we've been takin gmy senior pictures :) thought I'd share!

Its in the air...

No, it's not love but it is a four letter word

I recently got asked to go to prom by my good friend Greg. He's a really fun guy and I figured "what the Hay?" So I said yes (not that I would have said no, even if I didn't want to go.) So today I decided to get online and look for a dress. I had a friend offer to let me borrow one, but wanted to look for myself. I figured "its my senior prom, lets go all out!"
Then I started looking around. First, there are barely any modest dresses, or ones that wouldn't take too much alterations. Those are priced high, like upper 100's....Then I thought about Beautifully Modest, theirs would be affordable right? WRONG. Their modest dresses are like 300 bucks! I sat staring at skinny model after skinny model and thought to myself "Why am I doing this again?
This is madness! And to think there are girls who buy a new prom dress every year, sometimes multiple times a year!!!
What is the big thing about prom? I mean sure its a fun night with friends, when a girl gets to dress up and be a princess. But what about the parents or the date? They are the ones who do all the work for this stinkin' dance and they don't even get to wear a pretty dress!
I am appreciative that my friend asked me to go, I'm sure we will have a fantastic time with the kids in our group, and the night will be worth it...but I almost wonder what it would be like to have a penny pincher prom...?
I wonder if I could find enough duct tape to make a dress out of that...
Mom offered to make one, which I might do.
So there is the dress, then there is dinner, and a ride (a few of my friends last year used and RV, Clever? I think so!)and anything else you plan to do before or after the dance....
I'm not against the idea of being a normal teen and spending money mindlessly but this whole process has really opened my eyes to how silly some things are.
The irony of this was that my date asked me if I felt I was "too old for Mormon Prom" before he actually asked me to go.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can you Say Smile?

Wow. Today has been a great day. actually, its been a good week. Seminary has been wonderful, school is out for Spring break, I got good grades, and I had a stellar "kick off to spring break sleepover" last weekend. I had a WONDERFUL time with my good friend AnNa! she is AWESOME!
OUr night was filled with all sorts of shinanigans...we made pizza, delicious VEGGIE pizza, helped her siblings do barbie hair (actually one of the best times of the night), running to Wall Mart, driving up roads named after dried fruit, eating WAY too much, and watching an old but gloriously good movie.
I thoroughly enjoyed my evening.
Then this week has been completly STRESS FREE!!!! School got out for spring break so I have no homeowrk, no studying, and only ONE MORE QUARTER TO GO!
its been fabulous.
I also found out that my bestes friend in the WHOLE WORLD is coming here to see me! her name is megan and she has been in Japan for the last few years. After the earthquake and tsunami AND radiation stuff, her family decided it best to come back to the states for a while. She'll be coming to see me next week. 
pretty much this week has been full of good news on top of good news.
well I'm am going to go continue my Scholarship apps.
Laugh with someone today! its a wonderful feeling :):)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Life as I know it.

Well, Life as I knew it completely disapeared on me about a week ago. Last week on Febyrary 23rd, I received confirmation that I was accepted into BYU, Provo!!! YAY!
It was probably the best day of my life thus far:

(This is my I JUST GOT ACCEPTED TO BYU face :])
Since that day, I have been scrambling to get all of the things I need in order. I leave for BYU the week of Jun 13th. This means I will have to take my clark finals early, and that I will not be able to go to graduation (yay!..I mean OH DARN! :]) So I 've been working on getting transfer stuff organized and trying to make lists of stuff I need and money I need...these lists don't get along in my head, mostly because the stuff I need costs money; the money I need...ah the vicious cycle of money.
But other than getting into BYU, life has been pretty normal. I sent out my first Misionary letter a while ago. hopefully it is the first of many:
My missionary friend is serving in the New Zealand area, pretty rad I know!
So pretty much my mind is all focused on BYU and Missionaries, pretty normal for an 18 year old LDS girl right?
Well My friends and I decided that we are going to host an Un- Birthday party, not definite plans yet, but I will keep you posted
Signing off with lots of love,
newly admitted BYU freshman,
Yours Truly :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Guess Who?!

Okay so I was looking through my facebook and stalking the usuals, when suddenly the cell phone number of a long lost aquaintance caught my eye. Now this person hadn't given me their cell before and honestly probably forgotten I'd exsisted. Now as I stared at the screen, I realized this was an oppurtunity I could not pass up. I quickly entered their number into my phone. I then proceeded to text my best friend and tell her about the jack-pot I'd hit.
You see, this person, a boy to be exact, and I had developed an interesting relationship. While we knew eachother and actually talked to eachother, I had fallen head over heels for him and he pretty much treated me like dirt. Now, to give him credit, he wasn't always rude and irritating, if he had been there wouldn't have been an issue. But, he was rude enough for me and my friends to give him the boot as soon as the oppurtunity arose.
Now as I sat and pondered the idea of making contact again, I didn't plan on being rude to him, but just a bit mysterious.
So I finally got the nerve to actually send him a message. ....
"Hey bro, long time no see, what's cracka lackin"
Now, credit for the opening message goes to the lovely and talented Crystal. I hadn't really expected a reply but soon one came and of course he asked who I was. Now I hadn't really planned this far into the conversation. Who was I? would he continue to talk to me if I told him out right? No. So I decided to make him guess. He didn't say anything back for a long time so I gave him some hints. The color of my hair, my age, and that we went to school together last year.
This availed nothing....
Soon he started saying he had no idea, but I was having WAY too much fun giving him general hints and watching him suffer through his confusion. Finally ,I decided I didn't want him to lose sleep over this, for that is the direction the conversation was going. So I told him : I was his waltz partner from Dance Festival.
He finally remembered me and since I told him, texts have stopped.
Now I can take this one of two ways. I can be offended that he doesn't want to talk to me, Or I can be proud that I kept him in the dark for approx. 5 hours!
Five hours and he had no idea who I was...either he wasn't trying, or I was really THAT good :]
The moral of the story is that if this oppurtunity ever arises for any of you...TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!!
The feeling of victory you feel afterwards is so grand.
The other moral of the story is don't post your cell number on facebook, for people like me to take advantage of :]