This blog is the real, much too bias, hopefully funny, brutally honest account of my life.
You can also learn about me on twitter, where I am way too much myself.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

20 Rules A Woman Should Live By

1. Men are an amazing part of life, but they are in no way the be all and end all of life. 
2. It's okay to admit that you're young, fab and NOT broke. Celebrate your success. 
3. Don't waste time crying over little boys who talk too much. Someday you will find the one and then all that happens in between will just seem like crap.  
4. It's okay to be 22 or even 32 or 42 and not know what you want to be when you grow up. 
5. Many people will try to judge your spending and life style habits, don't let it get to you. It's your life, your money and no one else's business. 
6. If you like being single, it's okay to admit that. Maybe you like being alone. Maybe you like just dating and hooking up. Guys like these things and the world has no problem with it. 
7. In business it's likely that men twice your age with half your brain capacity will be making triple the money that you do. Work hard anyway, never give up, you are the brain and voice of tomorrow. 
8. Your parents already lived a bulk of their life. It's time to start living yours. It is possible to both respect them and be happy. Sometimes they may get mad at your choices, make those choices anyway, they love you and will eventually come around. 
9. It's okay to order extra cheese on your fries and not go to the gym after. 
10. No matter how old you are by number, never forget what it feels like to be young and alive. 
11. People are always going to talk, so just do your thing. You may as well give them something to talk about. 
12. You work hard all week and deserve time to get your party on. 
13. Don't keep company with those who constantly compare themselves to you. Keep company with those who love you for you and enhance your life. 
14. If you can't find your prince, there is nothing wrong with enjoying kissing all the wrong frogs. 
15. Live your life for you: not your parents, not a man, not your friends. It is the only way you will ever truly be happy. 
16. You're never too old to learn something new. 
17. In your life you will wind up with a select few friends who are more like your soul mates. Cherish them, they'll be the ones around when the party is over. 
18. You're going to make mistakes: the wrong career, the wrong major, the wrong boyfriend. Everything happens for a reason- You'll learn something, recover and come back better than ever. 
19. Live each day with no regrets. Don't fret over the past, even the bad parts shape us for the future. 
20. Share this list with other young women you love.
I love this list. I love it so much I have it written out in my journal, and I read it on a regular basis. There is something very impowering about this list, and I'd encourage all young women to apply it. This list helped me take ownership of a lot in my life. I love that it isn't about men or not having men. It's about taking control of your own life and living it the way you need to and want to. 

Growing Up

Let's face it. Being a grownup kind of stinks.
I saw a vine the other day that was entitled "best thing about being a grown-up."
The girl in the video proceeded to explain that eating cookies for breakfast was about the coolest thing.
For the past few months, I've agreed with her.
Then one day it hit me.
I can do whatever I want. I'm an adult. The choice is mine. I'm an educated sort-of grown-up that is capable of making her own decisions.
SO I decided to do that. I've been in the process of making a plan for my life, for quite some time. I've made list after list of possible options for my life.  I've contemplated moving back to Utah, staying in Washington, going back to school to teach, going abroad to teach, serving a mission, and lots of other choices... being homeless even made the list. It's been a slow process, but with the help of a LOT of prayer, and a lot of self examination, along with some sporadic lists and article reading, I think I've finally figured it out.
I debated whether or not I was going to announce this publicly, but I figured that most people who know me or follow me on Facebook or Pinterest would start getting ideas. Plus, I'm so excited about this plan, I can't hardly contain it!
I'm am pleased to announce that I have plans to move out to New York City next spring.
Before anyone starts asking the hard questions. I would like to point out that, no I don't have a job yet, nor do I have a place to live. But, I have a plan.
I am starting to look at jobs, and  I've started looking into apartments.
(I'm looking into publishing and editorial jobs FYI, in case anyone knows about anything or has some networking I can get on)
As for right now, I am working two jobs, and possibly contemplating three, in order to save for this adventure.. This will be the biggest and most expensive thing I have ever done with my life. (My mom told me today that I need to take whatever number I was saving for, and double it....uh oh.)
As this plan has taken shape, and as stressful as it can get, I have seen the hand of the Lord guiding me to this space.
First, as hard as it was to get places to call me back, my search for employment has been rather smoothe, and it was simple to get the two jobs I have now. I've had a great support group cheering me on, and I feel really comfortable with this plan. I'm excited about it, and everytime I make any progress on the plan, I get excited all over again. My attitude has been easy to keep positive, and things just seem to go.
In short, I'm just sitting over here bouncing with excitement as I contemplate the future, and growing up. I'm making big decisions, and trying my best to do the hard things to get there.

Run and tell that.